Aaron’s Polish Birth Certificate


Act no.21. Meeting in the City ofPlonsk on 16/28 May 1889, at 9 am. There appeared the Jew Sender Rozen, baker (bulochnjk), age 25, residing in the City of Plonsk. He came in the presence of witnesses Yakov Vasertsug (Jakov Wasserzug), age 69, and Moisei Josek Pernik, age 56, both residents of Plonsk, and presented to us a male child born in the City of Plonsk, a

twin, on 8/20 May of this year at 5 am. The child was born to him and his wife Laia nee Budka, age 24. During religious rites, the child was given

the name Aron. This act was read to those present and signed. The father is illiterate.